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A person walks down the street holding a to-go cup of coffee or tea. They're probably looking forward to reading an essential it consultants insurance guide. Probably.
A person is walking down the street with a cellphone in their hand, their tie flailing in the wind. We can only assume that they're looking up professional liability insurance for consultants. Obviously.
A lawyer is standing holding a replica of a courthouse wondering if they need to conduct a law firm risk assessment.
A person walks down the street in a button up shirt and tie, holding a cellphone, probably talking about creating a cybersecurity policy for law firms. We hope.
A lawyer is holding a figurine of a courthouse. As we examine the biggest cyber threats to law firms in this article, it's interesting to think about, while physical presence is so important in law, the digital world poses a major threat.
A lawyer stands holding a folder with a scale on it, indicating that they are holding a law firm cyber attack response plan.